A.I. Explore: Barbie-fied

A.I. Explore: Barbie-fied

On Sunday I ran a post on LinkedIn for how to “Barbie-fy” a person in Midjourney, and with such a HIGH response on LinkedIn (and a few questions from those struggling with how to do it themselves) – I ran the prompts again but on a new person…...
A.I. Explore: Oppen-Barbie?

A.I. Explore: Oppen-Barbie?

In my post on Barbenheimer, Michael Robbins took the post in the comments where I was heading… the reverse! Rather than Barbie in the Manhattan Project, what if Oppenheimer was in Barbie’s world. • Macro photo closeup of Physicist J. Robert...


Barbenheimer What if… we truly put Barbie in the Oppenheimer world? Anything is possible with generative AI, and a little #midjourney magic. These were my favorites. My wife loved these (and she is NOT a fan of pink for herself). • Imax theater screen grab of...
A.I. Explore: Puddle Reflections

A.I. Explore: Puddle Reflections

I attended college on the panhandle of Florida, where the frequent flash of a fast torrential rain shower where the winds blew rain sideways and made umbrellas useless as it inverted them. After such storms, puddles covered the campus temporarily and made the most...