I saw a post this morning… I was actually tagged in the re-share of the post by a friend on Facebook asking if it was true.
What is it?
The ability to use AI to read Wi-Fi interference in a room and visualize the movement.

I responded that the technology referenced was truly available (as mentioned in the attached article by PetaPixel – WiFi Can Now See People, and this article by the Independent AI can ‘see’ people through walls using WiFi signals.)

Carnegie Mellon University researchers built AI that can detect and map human bodies through walls using WiFi signals

(Carnegie Mellon University)

Yeah… but I also added the following:

While this is true, the ability to do this supersedes “AI” and the current hullabaloo scare that is being presented in the AI space. This technology existed with the US military (and has been featured in games like “Call of Duty, Modern Warfare” among others.) shoot, we have used X-rays, Ultrasounds and other techniques for decades to look inside the human body… distinguishing moving forms with radio wave interference inside a room is a decades old knowledge.

The funny thing, is as we move forward, it will be AI that will be the tool used to combat invasive technology used wrongly in wrongly intended hands.

AI is here, but it is not the “bad guy”… those who often cry loudest about invasive technology, are the first to share every detail of their life on social channels, and sign up for every “very important shopper” discount plan – where every purchase is tracked. Grocery stores, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok… everywhere digital information or purchases are made – we leave a footprint.

Just something to think about…
Brian Sykes