What’s your name and how would you describe your work in generative AI?

Amr Tahtawi and I use AI as a tool for visual storytelling to help brands promote themselves

How did you first become interested in AI?

A year ago when I was approached by a client who asked about AI.

Can you share with us your journey into the world of AI artistry? (When did you start, what inspired you, etc.)

It all truly started when I got the invitation for MidJourney, and strange stories started buzzing in my head, stories of weird alternative realities and how this can be used in the real commercial world.

What is your favorite piece(s) that you’ve created and why?

That’s a very hard question but I have to say it’s any fantasy render I create based on Alhambra and the Moorish culture.

Can you share a bit about your creative process? How do you approach a new project or piece?

A year ago I use to think of 2-5 unrelated ideas/events/persons and fuses them together and start working by elimination, until its a coherent good looking render. Not this is so fast and I have a better understanding on what looks good and how to present it, specially that I use MidJourney in with Photoshop to have a better polished unique render/product.

Which AI platforms and tools do you primarily use in your work?


On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your level of expertise in AI artistry?


What challenges have you faced in your journey and how did you overcome them?

Understanding how to bring my renders to the closest I can to my imagination and the ideas in my mind. It took time to test and try my ideas with the prompt engineering to meet specifics.

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting their journey in generative AI artistry?

I would advise for anyone to take time in studying the tools and master prompting and to use this tool more practically in testing real-life projects after the test ride.

How can people follow your work? (Social Media links, website, etc.)

Linkedin ::: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amrtahtawi/

Instagram ::: https://www.instagram.com/amrtahtawi.ai/

Website ::: http://www.atdesignz.com/

Amr Tahtawi was a contributor to my first “A.I. Explore: Collaborations” book.

As my wife Trish and I sat to the task of producing this first collaboration book – making order from 10 different creative minds from literally AROUND the world, we agreed an several BIG things.
1. This was WAY more difficult than just writing and producing our own book from scratch.
2. The was so enriching and powerful to pull back thr curtains on these creative minds – and get to know them better through their writing.

Trish and I came to recognize the strengths that EACH person brought to the book (and most assuredly to LIFE in general).

Amr Tahtawi – I bequeath to you –

::: Shaking Things Up Award :::

The Shaking Things Up Award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated exceptional creativity, innovation, and the ability to challenge the status quo. The Shaking Things Up Award recognizes an individual who has disrupted old ways of thinking and doing things, leading the way for change and progress. The recipient of this award can be described as bold, daring, and unafraid to take risks in pursuit of their goals.

Amr Tahtawi, you bring a great deal of creative prowess and an unleashed monster level of curiosity. Keep it fresh and digging my friend.

As you dive into his lesson – “Creative Visual Storytelling” – in the book “A.I. Explore: Collaborations, Book 1”, you can see his curiosity expressed in a true shaking things up manner. As you connect + follow + engage with him on LinkedIn, you will discover a man of great kindness and others focus – because wherever he goes, there Amr is.

This can be witnessed in my upcoming YouTube and podcast series (same with all the contributors)… A.I. Explore, through his regular posts on LinkedIn, and in the very life that he lives.

Honored to count Amr a friend. Excited to see what life has for his future and where our paths might overlap on future opportunities.

The “medal” was designed in Midjourney. The structured details of what that design might entail was inspired by ChatGPT (well-trained I might add).

Congrats Amr Tahtawi. While I wish there was a REAL medal to present, this one will have to do.
Brian Sykes

If you would like to grab this book and enjoy Amr’s lesson on Frida and pizza (great combo) along with 9 others in digital form, or the first 2 books I have written with 10 Lessons each on A.I. – all are available for digital download at: https://www.AIExplore.co