What’s your name and how would you describe your work in generative AI?

Guido. My work was influenced by every new innovation, video, audio, images i want to explore a lot of tool for make my personal Swiss knife.

How did you first become interested in AI?

My interest was born in August 2022 when I started seeing some amazing images on LinkedIn. Being the good nerd that I am, I wanted to look into it and immediately saw incredible potential in this revolution

Can you share with us your journey into the world of AI artistry? (When did you start, what inspired you, etc.)

I was literally overwhelmed by creative over-burning, I had, and still have, my brain overexcited by creative impulses. I think once you break the “can’t do” rule, there are no limits.

What is your favorite piece(s) that you’ve created and why?

There are many. I am particularly fond of an image depicting a dancer made of water and fire, not only because I was able to achieve exactly what I had in my head but because in just two days it was viewed by 100000 people on LinkedIn, and second my first Kintsugi marble statue, the first work that was exposed during a Spatial Ai event

Can you share a bit about your creative process? How do you approach a new project or piece?

My creative approach to the most artistic projects begins with creating the thought of an image that represents what I want to express. I try not to set limits for myself and to be influenced by the remixes and what MJ returns to me, without distracting too much from my thinking; then the words and the order of writing come into play. I am certainly never lacking a musical background to stimulate my creative thinking.

Which AI platforms and tools do you primarily use in your work?

Midjourney, Kaiber AI, Runway, Stable Diffusion.

On a scale of 1-5, how would you rate your level of expertise in AI artistry?


What challenges have you faced in your journey and how did you overcome them?

Definitely the biggest challenge was to understand the language of the tools, as an artistic experience definitely the first real commissioned exhibition for an Italian company (Vedrai) that commissioned us to do an entire layout of their offices. We formed a Team of 6 Ai artists and produced 30 original works that are now on display, a great satisfaction!

What advice would you give to someone who is just starting their journey in generative AI artistry?

Try and study, try and study, try and study… Also, have fun, share with people and see the works of others creators.

How can people follow your work? (Social Media links, website, etc.)

I’m on Linkedin ::: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guidocallegari/ >> follow me, write to me

You can find me in some conferences now and then on YouTube, let me know what your thoughts are, I really like to be influenced by different views and comparison.

E-mail ::: callegari.guido@gmail.com

Resident of ::: Turin, Italy